Local support for SSEN Transmission's first ever community benefit fund


  • SSEN Transmission’s community benefit fund plans well-received by communities in the north of Scotland.

  • The fund will see local people benefit directly from the transmission networks infrastructure they host for the first time.

This summer, SSEN Transmission launched a consultation to seek views on plans for its first ever community benefit scheme, which will see the company working with communities across the north of Scotland to channel funds into vital local projects.

The north of Scotland transmission network is set to provide around 10% of the UK’s total carbon reduction required to deliver 2050 net zero targets, and SSEN Transmission believes new funds should recognise the vital role local communities in the area will play in hosting the transmission infrastructure that is required to make net zero a reality.

The six-week long consultation with various stakeholders from across the north of Scotland encouraged them to share their views on the initial planning for development of the fund.

The consultation concluded with the company receiving around 170 responses from local residents, authorities and other interested parties. The immediate response has been positive, with over 70% of those who responded indicating their support for the initiative.

SSEN Transmission’s community team will analyse all of the feedback received, before publishing a detailed report on the consultation in October. After that, the company will work with stakeholders to establish how the fund will be governed and how investment decisions will be made, before launching the fund in early 2024.

Once it’s up-and-running, the fund will enable over £10m to be spent on delivering a sustainable and positive legacy for the communities that are hosting large net zero infrastructure assets in the Highlands, Aberdeenshire, Orkney, Shetland, Angus and Argyll.

The company is working with the energy regulator, Ofgem, to move the Community Benefit Fund proposal forward, and is looking to put it in place for transmission infrastructure projects which have already been approved, have an investment value of £100m or more, and for which construction has already commenced or will commence between now and 2026.

Speaking on the conclusion of the fund consultation, SSEN Transmission’s Director of Customers and Stakeholders, Christianna Logan, said:
“We’re delighted with the response we’ve received from local communities during our six-week consultation on our first community benefit fund in the north of Scotland – as a stakeholder-led business, feedback is crucial in helping to shape our fund strategy, and to have around 170 people taking the time to share their views will be massively helpful. Thanks to everyone who took part.

“It’s really important that we recognise the vital role that communities are already playing by hosting critical national infrastructure, and getting this fund up-and-running will be a big step in doing just that.

“The initial £10m+ will have a lasting positive economic impact in the region and we’re excited to be working with communities and other stakeholders to make sure that investment decisions are made wisely.”

Looking to the future, at their Pathway to 2030 projects and beyond, SSEN Transmission is working with the UK and Scottish Governments to establish an even more ambitious community benefit framework for projects that are currently being consulted on and are due to be delivered by the end of the decade and beyond.

Find out more about SSEN Transmission’s community benefit funding plans, by visiting the dedicated community fund webpage