Kintore Substation teams make flood defence donation to local resilience group


Teams from SSEN Transmission’s Kintore Substation project have made a donation of flood defence equipment to a local resilience group in the area.

The donation to members of the Kintore Resilience Group of three high-powered pumps will help the group in future flood events which have impacted the town in previous years.

The resilience group, hailed as “community heroes” due to their efforts to protect the area from the worst of the flooding, work around the clock to ensure that people and their homes were kept safe.

SSEN Transmission teams working on the new Kintore Substation project had heard about how the local resilience group spring into action during adverse weather conditions to keep people and homes from harm’s way, and reached out to see how they could support with any donations. 

The three new floodwater pumps will help alleviate any flooding from the area, with the equipment able to pump over a tonne of water per minute. 

Commenting on the donation, Rob Whytock, SSEN Transmission Community Liaison Manager, said:

“As guests in the area we’re always keen to help the local community wherever we can, and when we heard about the incredible work the Local Resilience Group carry out to keep their community safe we reached out to see if we could offer any assistance.

“Hopefully the three new floodwater pumps will help should there be any future storm events which affect the area, and give them more flexibility to help recover from any impact.”


Kintore Resilience Group member Jim Reid said:

These three high volume Water Pumps from SSEN Transmission are a very welcome addition to our Community and will help our Resilience Group with their objective of saving Kintore home’s from flooding.”

SSEN Transmission’s new Kintore 400kV substation will be built to the west of the existing substation at Leylodge and is a key component in SSEN Transmission’s reinforcement and improvement of the transmission network in the North East and East Coast of Scotland. It will facilitate the connection of new renewable electricity to the National Grid and will also help control the flow of energy across the North East, helping transport renewable electricity to where it’s needed, supporting the transition to net zero emissions and the fight against climate change.

A separate project is also underway to upgrade the existing substation at Leylodge, as the 132kV equipment at Kintore is nearing the end of its operational life.

Both projects are on track to be completed in 2026.

Learn more about SSEN Transmission’s projects here: