Robotic dog is star attraction for pupils at Argyll STEM event
- Early Careers and Attraction
A robotic dog was the star attraction at a STEM learning event that took place in Campbeltown last week (Wednesday, February 26), which aimed to inspire careers in the energy sector.
Public invited to share views on new Braco access road for clean energy project
- Engaging with Stakeholders
Members of the public are invited to a feedback event over plans to construct a new access road near Braco which will be used to transport components for the new proposed Cambushinnie electrical substation.
Leading the way on dynamic line rating
A blog, first published in Utility Week, by SSEN Transmission’s Innovation Portfolio Manager, Brant Wilson.
Consultation events held to discuss clean energy connections to Netherton Hub
- Working with Communities
- Consultation
People in the Peterhead area are being invited to attend consultation events that will share plans for new electricity network connections to the proposed Netherton Hub – a strategic development to the west of the town that will play a key role in support of national energy security and clean power targets.
A £2m boost for communities across the north of Scotland as SSEN Transmission makes first ever community benefit funding awards
- Working with Communities
We're delighted to announce today [Wednesday] that an initial £2m of community benefit funding, associated with new electricity transmission infrastructure, has been awarded to organisations across the north of Scotland for the first time.
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