About the Project
The development of onshore renewables on the Isle of Lewis, particularly wind power, has driven a requirement to reinforce the electricity transmission network on the island. Key benefits of these works will include the connection of local renewable energy, planned and future, onto the network as well as improving the security of the electricity network on Lewis.
To support the connection of the Uisenis Wind Farm and future connections, the following works have been identified:
- The construction of a new 132kV Gas Insulated Switching Station near Balallan
- The connection of the new Balallan Switching Station to the existing Harris – Stornoway 132Kv Overhead Line (OHL) circuit
- The disconnection of the Harris – Stornoway 132kV OHL circuit from Stornoway GSP and the re-connection of this circuit to the Lewis Hub 132kV substation (Lewis Hub to be delivered under the Western Isles Connection Project).
Why is the Project Required?
The works are required to meet the needs of renewable developers on Lewis looking to connect to the GB Transmission System, and form part of our proposed transmission link from the Western Isles to the Scottish mainland.
Community Engagement
Throughout the life of our projects, we aim to work positively with local communities and keep people informed about what we are doing. This is particularly important when we are developing a proposal and we want to understand what local people think about our plans.
We endeavour to take the time to discuss proposals with local community councils, encourage engagement from the wider community and listen to the feedback we receive.
We will do our best to answer any questions and address issues or concerns that are raised with us.
When our project progresses into construction, we will continue working closely with the local community to ensure that our work has as little impact on the lives of those living and working in the area and as many long term positive effects as possible.
How we’re embracing artificial intelligence (AI)
We intend to use AI to assist our experienced teams in the analysis of your feedback, so we can categorise key points raised more quickly. You can learn more about how we’re utilising AI on this dedicated web page.
Project Updates
Project updates
June 2024 Consultation Event
Balallan 132kV Switching Station Consultation Booklet - June 2024.pdf
- Type:
- Date:
- 24 June 2024
- Size:
- 4.2 MB
This document provides information to our stakeholders about the project and was provided during our consultation in June 2024.
October 2023 Consultation Event
Muaitheabhal wind farm connection and Balallan switching station Consultation Booklet.pdf
- Type:
- Date:
- 10 October 2023
- Size:
- 8 MB
Muaitheabhal wind farm connection and Balallan switching station Consultation Booklet.pdf
- Type:
- Date:
- 10 October 2023
- Size:
- 8 MB
- Type:
- Date:
- 18 September 2022
- Size:
- 1.5 MB
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