About the Project
The Peterhead 275/132kV Substation is situated to the south of Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, on the opposite side of the A90 to Peterhead Power Station. It is an integral and important part of our transmission network in the north of Scotland, constructed in circa 1975. The substation is subject to severe weathering due to some elements being located outdoors.
The substation was initially constructed with two 275/132kV super grid transformers (SGTs). In 2010, a third SGT was installed to accommodate increased electrical load on the network.
There is now a requirement to replace two of the SGTs, which have reached the end of their operational life due to being over 45 years old.
Why is the Project Required?
In line with our statutory obligation that we must develop and maintain an efficient, co-ordinated, and economical system of electricity transmission, we are proposing to replace SGT1 and SGT2 at Peterhead 275/132kV substation.
We have a licence obligation to invest in our existing assets to maintain network health and condition. We also have a statutory duty under the Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002 to ensure that the electricity transmission network is fit for purpose.
Community Engagement
Throughout the life of our projects, we aim to work positively with local communities and keep people informed about what we are doing. This is particularly important when we are developing a proposal and we want to understand what local people think about our plans.
We endeavour to take the time to discuss proposals with local community councils, encourage engagement from the wider community and listen to the feedback we receive.
We will do our best to answer any questions and address issues or concerns that are raised with us.
When our project progresses into construction, we will continue working closely with the local community to ensure that our work has as little impact on the lives of those living and working in the area and as many long term positive effects as possible.
How we’re embracing artificial intelligence (AI)
We intend to use AI to assist our experienced teams in the analysis of your feedback, so we can categorise key points raised more quickly. You can learn more about how we’re utilising AI on this dedicated web page.
Project Updates
Project updates
Project Documents
Pathway to 2030 Projects - Additional Information
- Type:
- Date:
- 18 September 2022
- Size:
- 2.9 MB
- Type:
- Date:
- 18 September 2022
- Size:
- 136.9 KB
- Type:
- Date:
- 18 September 2022
- Size:
- 1.4 MB
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Latest Links
Report on Consultation
Our Reports on Consultation across our three new overhead line projects and associated substation and convertor station developments have now been published. These reports provide a summary of the extensive feedback received during consultation, how this has been considered and confirmation of which routes and substations are now being taken forward to the next stage of development.
Our Reports on Consultation are now available to download from the Project Documentation tab.
Summary Reports on Consultation are also available for each of the three schemes and can be downloaded below:
- Summary Report on Consultation Spittal to Beauly
- Summary Report on Consultation Beauly to Peterhead
- Summary Report on Consultation Kintore to Tealing
A stakeholder webinar available for all to join will be held in the coming weeks to share the changes informed by the feedback. More information about the forthcoming webinar will be shared on our events page shortly.
In further recognition of community feedback, we will seek to rationalise cumulative infrastructure impacts through the removal and undergrounding of existing transmission lines, where technically practical and appropriate, and subject to all necessary planning consents and landowner agreements.
Work to identify and assess potential sections of existing overhead line where their removal will reduce cumulative impacts is ongoing, with an update expected as part of the next round of public consultation on overhead line alignments and more detailed substation designs in early 2024.
We would once again like to thank all stakeholders who took the time to engage with our early consultation process. We will continue to engage with stakeholders ahead of consulting further with local communities and stakeholders in the new year, as we look to refine our proposals.
Report on Consultation
Over the course of this year, we have undertaken extensive consultation on plans to upgrade the electricity transmission network across the north of Scotland and have received a considerable amount of feedback from a wide range of stakeholders regarding our proposals.
We recently advised in our next steps for 2030 network developments update that following assessment of consultation feedback and additional options analysis, we would publish our Report on Consultations (RoCs). These reports provide a summary of the feedback received and how it has been considered, which options we will take forward to the next stage of the development process and any changes to options initially consulted on.
It is our intention to publish the RoCs during the week commencing 27 November. All stakeholders signed up for updates on the project will receive a link to the report and we will also issue Summary Reports to help ensure accessibility.
These Report on Consultations mark the completion of the first round of non-statutory consultation, where we sought feedback on the corridor, route, and substation locations. We will be consulting further with local communities and stakeholders in the new year, as we look to refine the projects, therefore we welcome an open channel of communication and would like to reassure all stakeholders that there will be further opportunities to engage on this project.
Our Reports on Consultation and Summary Reports on Consultation are now available to download from the Project Documentation tab. -
SSEN Transmission sets out next steps for Pathway to 2030 network developments
We have announced our next steps for our Pathway to 2030 programme of projects. We would like to thank everyone who has engaged with our teams and kindly taken the time to respond to our consultations.
Full details of the announcement can be found here:
Next steps for Pathway to 2030