Stornoway GSP Upgrade & Stornoway Wind Farm Connection Information Event
Thursday 20 March, 3–7pm, Cabarfeidh Hotel, Stornoway, HS1 2EU
We are holding an initial information session for our proposed upgrade of the Stornoway Grid Supply Point (GSP) and proposed Stornoway Wind Farm Connection. This is a pre-cursor to our pre-application process in Spring 2026 which is a key first step in the Town and Country planning process for national planning applications.
To support the growth in renewable energy developments across the North of Scotland and Islands, which are supporting the drive towards Net Zero, investment in our network infrastructure is needed to connect this power and transport it to areas of demand.
The Stornoway Grid Supply Point (GSP) Extension Project aims to connect increased generation on the SSEN Distribution network to the wider GB Transmission System. To ensure there is sufficient capacity on the SSEN Transmission Network for this future generation an extension to the Stornoway GSP is required.
We have an obligation to offer non-discriminatory terms for connection to the transmission system for new sources of electricity and as such, we are required to install 1.6km of single-circuit 132kV Trident wood poles to connect Stornoway Wind Farm to the Transmission Network.
The project teams will be available to answer questions and discuss our proposals to which we are seeking and welcome feedback
About the Project
As the transmission license holder in the north of Scotland, we have a duty under Section 9 of the Electricity Act 1989 to facilitate competition in the generation and supply of electricity. We have obligations to offer non-discriminatory terms for connection to the transmission system, both for new generation and for new sources of electricity demand.
Under our Network Operators License this connection should be efficient, coordinated, and economic, whilst having the least possible impact on the environment.
The Stornoway Grid Supply Point (GSP) Upgrade Project aims to connect the increased generation on the SSEN Distribution network (caused by the connection of Druim Leathann Wind Farm and Battery Point Battery Energy Storage Scheme (BESS)) to the wider GB Transmission system. To facilitate this, it is necessary to extend the existing GSP site to accommodate the installation of two new grid transformers, along with their associated electrical equipment and buildings, and connect these new grid transformers to the Lewis Hub via underground cable.
The Lewis Hub is being developed as part of a separate project which is required to connect onshore and offshore wind in and around the Western Isles to the mainland transmission system, maximising the significant renewable potential of the Western Isles, adding capacity for new connections and reducing the island's reliance on diesel-powered electricity generation.
Subject to planning consent, the GSP upgrade proposal involves:
• Civil works to expand the existing GSP platform, including earthworks, drainage, and upgrades to the access road, to allow;
• The installation of two 120MVA 132/33kV transformers within two new dedicated buildings.
• The construction of a new control building to house upgraded protection and control systems
• The decommissioning of the existing 60MVA 132/33kV transformer, it’s building and associated control building.
• The installation of two sections of underground cable, approx. 500m in length, to connect the new transformers to the Lewis Hub.
Community Engagement
Throughout the life of our projects, we aim to work positively with local communities and keep people informed about what we are doing. This is particularly important when we are developing a proposal and we want to understand what local people think about our plans.
We endeavour to take the time to discuss proposals with local community councils, encourage engagement from the wider community and listen to the feedback we receive.
We will do our best to answer any questions and address issues or concerns that are raised with us.
When our project progresses into construction, we will continue working closely with the local community to ensure that our work has as little impact on the lives of those living and working in the area and as many long term positive effects as possible.
How we’re embracing artificial intelligence (AI)
We intend to use AI to assist our experienced teams in the analysis of your feedback, so we can categorise key points raised more quickly. You can learn more about how we’re utilising AI on this dedicated web page.
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- Type:
- Date:
- 07 March 2025
- Size:
- 4.6 MB
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