Public invited to have their say over Lewis substation proposals

SSEN Transmission Consultation Process Image: Recent Kintore - Tealing 400kV Overhead Line Project Public Engagement Events 

  • Consultation event for HVDC convertor station and AC substation on Arnish Moor takes place Thursday, November 14

  • Project will play critical role in improving network reliability across the Western Isles and supporting net zero targets

People on Lewis are being invited to attend a second consultation event being held to discuss a proposed new HVDC convertor station and AC substation on Arnish Moor.  

SSEN Transmission will hold the statutory pre-application consultation event at the Cabarfeidh Hotel in Stornoway from 3-7pm on Thursday November 14, where staff will be on hand to answer questions and share details of the proposed site location and layout.

Information about connections into the proposed site will also be available, as well as visualisations including landscaping measures designed to minimise visual impact.

The proposed 400kV substation and converter station – known as the Lewis Hub – is an essential part of the proposed Western Isles HVDC link which will allow 1.8GW of new renewable electricity generation to connect to the electricity transmission network.

The project will play a critical role in improving network reliability and security of supply for homes and businesses across the Western Isles, delivering significant economic benefit through the local supply chain while supporting national net zero and energy security ambitions.

Colin Bell, Lead Project Manager for SSEN Transmission, said:
“There has been a strong level of interest and engagement in our proposals, and our second pre-application consultation will give the public another opportunity to have their say prior to the submission of our formal planning application early next year.

“We have already made significant changes to the project based on community feedback, most notably relocating from our original preferred site at Creed North to Arnish Moor.

“We continue to refine the project in line with community feedback, including measures that have reduced the size of the substation platform from its original design, and landscaping proposals to reduce the visual impact of the site.

“We are also working closely with our contract partners, external stakeholders, local businesses and community groups to ensure our project plans during the proposed construction and operation of the site doesn’t put undue pressure on local services and other sectors including local housing provision, transport and logistics. 

“This demonstrates the value of our consultation with the local community, which is an important part of our project development process. We encourage anyone with an interest in our proposals to come along to our event on November 14th and provide their feedback.”

To submit feedback online and register for project updates, visit the project website