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Home - SSEN Transmission
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Helping you work safely near our network
Customer Connections
Customer Connections Overview
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Co-location and joint working
Customer Experience Strategy
Who's who in the connection process
What is the transmission network?
Connecting to the transmission network
Preparing your application
Transmission Owner Reinforcement Instruction (TORI) Quarterly Update Reports
Connections Reform
Queue Management
Transitional Offers
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Projects delivering a Network for Net Zero - Pathway to 2030
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Community Benefit Fund
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Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) Charges
Energy Markets Hub
North of Scotland Future Energy Scenarios (NoSFES)
Industry and Regulation
Working with Landowners
Your Plan, Our Future: RIIO-T2
Transmission Price Control Review
Engineering Justification Papers
A Network for Net Zero
Strategic Objective Review
Medium Sized Investment Projects (MSIP)
North East & East Coast Works
’Pathway to 2030’ – Delivering 2030 Government targets and the transition to net zero
How we're embracing artificial intelligence (AI)
Secure power for generations
Our RIIO-T3 Business Plan
Volunteering in Local Communities
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Submit a complaint
At SSEN Transmission, we are always here to help and pride ourselves on providing you with the best possible service however unfortunately, things can go wrong sometimes. Telling us about it allows us the chance to put things right and make improvements to prevent it from happening again
Ensuring your complaint reaches the right people
- SSEN Transmission does not look after domestic supply issues or local distribution networks.
- We are unable to assist with domestic power issues such as the supply to your home, metering, electric car-charging, and voltage complaints (eg. dim lighting) etc.
- Please call 105 to contact your local Distribution Network Operator for help. Alternatively, you can visit the
ENA's website
to confirm who your local network operator is.
- SSEN Transmission is not an energy supplier and we cannot help with bills, payments, tariffs or meters. SSE Plc sold its domestic supply business in January 2020 to OVO Energy.
Important information
When completing our complaint form below, please only submit relevant information that will help us investigate and resolve your complaint. Please do not include information such as bank details or any sensitive personal information.
Privacy Notice
For information on how we collect and process your data, please see our
privacy notice
. If you do not have access to our website, or would like to receive a hard copy, please contact us.
Your name
Email address
Telephone number
Address - First Line
Address - Second line
Town or City
Post Code
Please provide details of your complaint:
Please tell us how we can we put things right: