Craig Murrail 275kV Substation

Transmission reinforcement
Argyll & Bute

Constructing Craig Murrail Substation to connect the Inveraray and Crossaig line, supporting renewable energy export from Argyll.

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Status: Construction Phase

Stage 4 of 5

5 joined together arrow shapes in a row each labelled with the stage number. The first 4 arrows are highlighted in filled green shades to indicate the project is at stage 4 of 5
  • Stage 1: Project Assessment: (Completed)

    During the Project Assessment stage, we’re committed to evaluating potential project strategies. At this stage, we provide information about the proposed project plans on our website for stakeholders to review and provide feedback on, as well as holding in-person events within the local community demonstrating our collaborative approach to the project's development.

  • Stage 2: Early Development: (Completed)

    During Early Development, we concentrate on refining the project details, based on our initial assessment of key environmental, technical, and economic factors to identify the best performing approach. We would like to gain further input from communities through accessible in-person and in some cases online consultations, which are crucial in refining our plans and strategies before advancing to the application stage.

  • Stage 3: Project Refinement: (Completed)

    The Project Refinement stage is where we finalise project plans and submit the required planning applications to the relevant planning authorities. Communities and other key stakeholders can provide feedback directly to the appropriate body such as their local council and constituent representatives.

  • Stage 4: Construction Phase: (In progress)

    Within the construction phase we mobilise our workforce, contractors, and necessary equipment to begin construction. We maintain open channels of communication, allowing communities and stakeholders to submit feedback on the construction activities to our dedicated Community Liaison Managers, ensuring ongoing engagement to any thoughts or concerns while we carry out work in the area.

  • Stage 5: Operational Phase:

    At this final stage, the project successfully moves into the operational phase, with the surrounding environment restored to its original state or better. Our Community Liaison Mangers continue to be available to address any questions or concerns, ensuring a lasting positive impact and strong community relations even after the construction activities conclude.

About the Project

The Craig Murrail Substation Project comprises the construction of a new 275kV substation, which will connect into the recently completed 275kV overhead line between Inveraray and Crossaig.

A temporary overhead line diversion is required to enable the build of the new substation, and associated access, drainage, fencing and landscaping are included in the project plans. The project will support the export of renewable energy from the Argyll area.

Find Out More About Inveraray - Crossaig 275kV Overhead Line

Why is the Project Required?

Due to the projected increase in renewable energy generation in Argyll, a need has been identified for the upgrade and reinforcement of the electricity transmission network on the Argyll peninsula, to ensure security of electricity supply and support the transition to Net Zero.

The replacement Inveraray - Crossaig Overhead Line has been completed at a higher voltage of 275kV. As increased renewable generation requires connection to the electricity network, and the operating voltage is required to increase to 275kV, four 132kV substations along the route need replacing to accommodate this.

Find Out More About Argyll and Kintyre 275kV Substations


Community Engagement

Throughout the life of our projects, we aim to work positively with local communities and keep people informed about what we are doing. This is particularly important when we are developing a proposal and we want to understand what local people think about our plans.

We endeavour to take the time to discuss proposals with local community councils, encourage engagement from the wider community and listen to the feedback we receive.

We will do our best to answer any questions and address issues or concerns that are raised with us.

When our project progresses into construction, we will continue working closely with the local community to ensure that our work has as little impact on the lives of those living and working in the area and as many long term positive effects as possible.


How we’re embracing artificial intelligence (AI)
We intend to use AI to assist our experienced teams in the analysis of your feedback, so we can categorise key points raised more quickly. You can learn more about how we’re utilising AI on this dedicated web page.

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